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About Us

Playing together for over 5 years. Bringing a variety of backgrounds and sounds to our unique group.

King Dre - drums
King Dre started playing drums at young age and turned pro by the age of 21. He has always had a love for jazz but is skilled in all different music types. King dre went to Brazil in 1998 on a musical excursion where he studied with local musicians on the the beaches of Copa Cababna and at the clubs.


Doug Jones - guitar
Doug Jones started playing guitar at 12 years old. His musical journey has included classic rock, punk -pop, reggae, Soukous and other African derived styles, and most recently Brazilian jazz. Doug has visited Brazil several times with his spouse, studying the music and culture of Brazil. He also studied under Bossa Nova expert Bill Dee and jammed with local Brazilian acts, including Seattle's Nilza Lessa.


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Nadine Waldmann - vocals

Nadine does the singing.

Her singing career took off after studying with Seattle's own Greta Matassa. With her flair for perfect diction and singing in languages other than English (no doubt influenced by her early years in Germany and Hawaii), Nadine's singing accentuates the multicultural focus of Tambor e Cordas' work.

In addition to singing, Nadine is an actor, model, dancer, and writer. If it's art, she's there.

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